Get involved

Become a Partner


HipMeal wants to help companies reduce their food waste. The program connects businesses with organizations or volunteers to collect and redistribute unsold food at the end of the day.

With your participation you keep food out of the landfill and support your local community.

If you have any questions, email

Become a Volunteer

We couldn’t do what we do without the help of everyone in the HipMeal community. 

Neighborhood Champion

Collect unused items in your local community and redistribute them on HipMeal.

Community Champions

Grow HipMeal in your city by sharing your meals in our app.

Digital Champions

You can support us! Whether it’s by sharing our website or Application with all your friends on social networks or by recommending HipMeal to your local stores and neighbors, or write blog posts about HipMeal and food waste.


Sharing our mission with the world

You can share our app on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
The more people who join HipMeal, the better it is for everyone and our planet.
Thank you for your engagement.